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A '''tetromino''', is a [[polyomino]] made of four square blocks.
A '''tetromino''', is a [[polyomino]] made of four square blocks.
The seven tetrominoes are ''I'', ''O'', ''T'', ''S'', ''Z'', ''J'', and ''L''.
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he seven tetrominoes are ''I'', ''O'', ''T'', ''S'', ''Z'', ''J'', and ''L''.

The spelling "tetromino" is standard among mathematicians.
The spelling "tetromino" is standard among mathematicians.

Revision as of 07:57, 4 January 2008

A tetromino, is a polyomino made of four square blocks. T工控机 茅台酒 二锅头 防伪标签 热转印机 水晶像 奖杯 干洗 数码快印 硒鼓加粉 塑料颗粒机 防伪 防伪技术 高新技术企业认定 北京洗衣公司 服务器机柜 空气净化工程 国际速递 国际快递公司 国际快递 梯具 节能节电 冬令营 石材翻新 电器维修 北京公司注册 制冰机 电脑回收 代开发票 不干胶 机打发票 电缆桥架 电缆桥架 北京货架 航空货运 会议服务 小升初 梅兰日兰UPS 口语 Dell服务器 再生塑料颗粒机 灯光音响 二手电脑回收 热水器维修 环氧地坪 IBM服务器 工商注册 IBM服务器 北京航空货运 北京写字楼 动画制作

he seven tetrominoes are I, O, T, S, Z, J, and L.

The spelling "tetromino" is standard among mathematicians. The Tetris Company had preferred tetramino around 1999 and has used tetrimino since 2001.

The basic tetrominoes

Each tetromino has a letter name and several alternative names.

In most games other than games on NES, Super NES, or black-and-white systems, each tetromino has a different color. However, before about 2001, these colors varied from product to product, making it difficult for people who play different games to discuss "the blue piece". Since then, the color schemes associated with SRS and TGM Rotation have dominated new games, and "the blue piece" is always J.


Other names include straight, stick, and long. This is the only tetromino that can clear four lines outside of cascade games.



Other names include square and block.





Other names include inverse skew and right snake.



Other names include skew and left snake.



Other names include gamma, inverse L, or left gun.



Other names include right gun.



In The Next Tetris, Sticky mode of Tetris Worlds and Tetris Mania, and Jewelry Master, some tetrominoes are multiminoes, that is, the tetromino itself is divided into visible components. Though the tetromino is moved and rotated as a unit, once it locks, the components separate by colors and fall.

See also

External links