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Tetris Journey
Tetris Journey logo.png
App Logo
Developer(s)Fusion Studio
Platform(s)iOS, Android

First Test:2019/1/10

Latest releaseRes v桂林阳朔版本
Gameplay info
Next pieces3~5
Playfield size10 × 20
Hold pieceYes
Hard dropYes
Rotation systemSRS
Tetris Journey title.jpg
Tetris Journey ingame.jpg

Tetris Journey is a mobile Tetris game developed by Changyou and published by Tencent.

This is the First official Tetris game for the Chinese market, but it shut down in mid-February cause of "License outdated'.


Tetris Journey uses standard Guideline rules of gameplay. and there is Cascade in most of the levels in adventure mode.

The game uses a vertical screen, except Melee 101 and Relax Battle modes use a horizontal screen.


Adventure mode

Adventure mode is the main mode in Tetris Journey.

The game would end when the player topped out or didn't complete the goal with the limited moves.

In those levels with the move limit, the player would earn the bonus score if move(s) left when the goal has been completed.

The score bonus is shown below:


the n is the moves left.

In this mode, the player would travel between these cities in the world, and complete the level to push the game's story.

There are 22 cities in the game, and each includes 30 levels, 5 secret room levels that would have higher difficulty, and a treasure level that would unlock when all 30 levels are completed.

The player should collect at least 85 stars to unlock the secret room levels.

In the treasure level, there would be 300 Tetris coins on the board, and the player should clear as many as possible in 1 minute.
In this game mode, exclude"密室逃脱" was naive gravity, and the"火花炸弹" was sticky gravity, all others were cascade gravity, and each chain would gain 1 combo, and the score for each chain is equals the lines*100+combo*50.

Mechanics List[玩法]

Machanic Details First attempt level
染色瓶 After clearing the "染色瓶", the color in the bottle would spurt to the random block in the playfield(if it spurts to a special block, it will become a normal block). Level 6
owl[猫头鹰] The owl would land on a random block, and after clearing them, they would fly away and land on a random block again. Clear an amount of it to complete the level.
Level 12
Electricity[电源] Connect the light and the battery with those chargeable blocks, or light an amount of those chargeable blocks to complete it.
The light could also be a chargeable block.
The game would only detect the horizontal and vertical connection.
The light and battery are unclearable[注 1].
Level 31
Battery Block[导电方块]
pufferfish[河豚] Not clearable[注 1]. Claim an amount of it by letting it reach the bottom of the board to complete it. Level 61
点钞机器人 It is a 2×2 block with 6 hp, and each line clear contains it could reduce 1 hp of it. It would be cleared when hp is 0.
It would spurt some blocks to the field and fly to another placement, and the route of it is fixed.
If it lands on another "点钞机器人," the other one would get killed instantly.
Level 91
Cookie[饼干] a normal block whivh would ate by the mouse. Level 121
Mice[老鼠] The mouse would jump to any cookie to eat them after several moves. Level 123
Teddy bear[玩具熊] The size is 2×2, and claim them through let no block cover it after the cascade. Level 151
密室逃脱 clearing lines to get a professor to the bottom of the playing field.

Similar to Tetris Plus 2's Puzzle mode. The rank and the stars are based on the time.

Level 181
大金牙 reduce "大金牙("boss" below)"'s hp by clearing lines or clearing the bombs on the playfield. The boss would throw bombs randomly to the field after the previous one had been cleared or exploded.

The attack table for the line clear shown below:

Attack Table
Line Clear 1 2 3 4
Attack 1 6 12 20

Each cleared bomb would deal with 3 attacks.

蹦蹦羊 3 or 4 sheep would be in a row covered by the block. Claim them through let no block cover them after cascade. They would move down after Every 6 turns that didn't clear any line Level 271
邦邦兔 Not clearable[注 1]. claim then by letting them reach the lawn(the bottom row). For each 5 or 7 turns, the "小金块" would throw carrots to attract them to the other column's top.
The carrot's placement would try to avoid making the line clear
Level 301
note block[音符方块] It would move up to the original placement if no block covers it. Level 361
Metal note block[金属音符方块] Same as the note block except it isn't clearable. 第 414 关
BomBliss[火花炸弹] Similar to BomBliss expect the solid line clear(a line fully contains the stone block) would not count in the line clear next time, and clear 5+ would clean the full board.(bug?) Level 451
Air Ballon[热气球] Not clearable[注 1]. Claim them by clearing the blocks that cover them to let them fly to the top of the board. Level 511
火恶魔 It would move left or right every 4 turns. Clear it twice to claim them, after that it would move to any block(higher priority for special block) and explode itself.。
Each turn before the move (turn 3) would show the movement in next turn with an arrow.
Won't move when got blocked by the block, and it would change the direction next turn.
Level 541
BBQ Pork Buns[中华叉烧包] Place a block on it(would show on the background of the field) to “activate” it, and then clear it to claim them. 第 601 关


方块名称 方块描述 初见关卡
能量星星 消行可充能,充能完毕后可使用。可填充场地内的一个空洞。
第 1 关
石块 实心方块。消行时,石块不会被消除。
第 9 关
冰块 需要两次消行才可消除冰块。 第 24 关
钢琴块 消除钢琴块时,出现五个音符方块,填补其下方的五个空洞。 第 3 关
特趣思币 只在宝藏关卡中出现,消除可收集特趣思币。 ---
云彩 不受消行重力影响的方块。 第 98 关
粉碎球 消除其所在行以激活,炸散以其为中心 5x5 的方块,使其自由下落。 第 132 关
流星雨 消除其所在行后,场地上方掉下七个流星方块。 第 190 关
小怪兽 两次消除其所在行后才会消除,第一次消除后会飞至更低的地方。 第 241 关
X 型连锁 接下来的三个方块变为所示方块。 Z 型连锁:第 365 关
I 型连锁:第 366 关
十字风车 消除其所在行后以激活,消除其上下左右的方块。 第 391 关
木桶炸弹 接触堆叠后立即爆炸,炸开其范围内的方块,且可当作单格方块造成消行。 第 421 关
随机方块 消除其所在行以激活,将变为其他元素。
第 481 关
移动方块 每隔若干回合,方块会在水平方向上移动一格
第 571 关



道具名称 道具描述 道具单价[adv-notes 1]
后悔药 撤回上一块。
9 钻石
纸飞机 消除指定一行方块。 39 钻石
超级导弹 消除指定三行方块。 119 钻石
变形块 当前块变为指定形状,并重新生成于场地上方。 19 钻石
超级西瓜 向指定 3x3 区域填充西瓜。 99 钻石
超级流星雨 场地上方下落五个星星方块。 79 钻石
步数加五步 进入游戏前使用,单局剩余步数 +5。
积分加 20% 进入游戏前使用,额外获得 20% 的单局分数。
停止下落 进入游戏前使用,方块不受下落重力的影响。 29 钻石/次
100 钻石/30 分钟
200 钻石/24 小时
660 钻石/30 天
超级能量星星 进入游戏前使用,附赠一个能量星星,该星星将一次性填充五个空洞,而不是一个。
  1. 指购买单个道具的原价,不计优惠

Classic mode[经典模式]

There are 3 Classic modes in this game. Unlike the other guideline games, the 40L and 120s Ultra modes would take turns to open every week.

  • Classic Marathon[经典马拉松]: Normal endless marathon, the max level is 15.
  • 40 Lines Challenge[40 行挑战赛]: Sprint 40L.
  • 120 seconds[120秒积分赛] score attack: 120s ultra.


The modes below are in the battle categories. and all of them are using the same attack table that shown below:

Action Single Double Triple Tetris Mini TSS Mini TSD TSS TSD TST
Attack 0 1 2 4 0 1 2 4 6
Action B2B PC
Attack +1[注 2] 10[注 3]
Combo 0~1 2~3 4~5 6~7 8+
Attack +0 +1 +2 +3 +4

The road to the Tetris master[大师之路]

It's inside the battle categories. The player could learn the basic guideline Tetris skills here versus the bot on the bottom right of the screen.

There are 6 levels: Beginner⮕Junior⮕Intermediate⮕Advanced⮕Elite⮕Master, and using T5⮕T4⮕T3⮕T2⮕T1⮕T+ to show the rank.

Exclude the VS stage(the last stage in every trial road), the player cannot use the hold at any time. the player should follow the tutorial to complete the goal.

in each VS stage, the player should complete several goals (ex: get an amount of K.Os, get a B2B...)


Best of 1 versus mode with online players or the bot if waiting too long. The time limit is 2 minutes, and The winning conditions are below:

  • KO the opponent.
  • If time out, the player with the higher total attack wins.
  • If the total attack is the same, the player with the fewer pieces wins.
  • ???[注 4]

The rating would show with the star. Mostly +1 star if win, and -1 star if lose. Bronze rank wouldn't lose the star.

There are 8 major ranks, from low to high: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Legendary, and God of Tetris(only the player who reached the Legendary rank and the top 100 in the leaderboard could get it.) and exclude the Legendary and the God of Tetris rank would only show the stars count, there are several minor ranks in each major rank.

Rank Table
Major Rank Minor Rank Stars required RewardsTetris coin
Legendary --- --- 3000
Master I 2800
II 2700
III 2600
IV 2500
Diamond I 2300
II 2200
III 2100
IV 2000
Platinum I 1800
II 1700
III 1600
IV 1500
Gold I 1300
II 1200
III 1100
IV 1000
Silver I 800
II 700
III 600
IV 500
Bronze I 300
II 250

Relax Battle[休闲对战]

Unranked Versus mode uses the same rule in League.

Melee 101[乱斗 101]

FFA battle mode, similar to Tetris 99.

There are 2 separate modes:

  • Single, 101 players FFA.
  • Team, 33 teams FFA, and each contains 3 players.

The player could only see 12 players' boards cause of the screen size for the mobile.

The player could target the opponent manually by clicking the opponent's board or clicking the 反击 button to target all attackers.

In the Team mode, The player could click the 保护 button to help the teammate cancel the garbage(2 at most), but couldn't attack the opponent before the teammate tops out, or target any player manually, or click the 攻击 button.

The attack multiplier is shown below:

  1. Start at ×1 multiplier.
  2. K.O bonus: Each K.O +0.1 multiplier, +1(10 K.Os) at most.
  3. Margin Time: Each minute would +0.1 multiplier, +0.5(5 minutes) at most.
  4. Target Bonus: +0.1*attackers multiplier when there are 2 or more attackers.
  5. +0.2 multiplier when one of the teammates protected you, +0.4 if both.

So the max multiplier would be ×3.7 for Single and ×3.9 for Team mode.

Custom room [多人房间]

Custom room mode, 6 players at most. The host could select the time limit to 2, 5, or 10 minutes. The Red vs Blue and FFA modes would use the same rule (except the margin time rule) in melee 101.

Red vs Blue [红蓝对抗]

2 Teams battle mode, each team could only have 3 players at most. The winning condition is shown below:

  1. Knock out all of the opponents.
  2. if time out, the team with the most players wins.
  3. if still tied, the team with the most attacks wins.
  4. ???[注 4]
Sprint [消行竞速]

Multiplayer sprint mode, could select the line goal to 20, 40, 100, or 200 lines. The ranking condition is shown below:

  1. The player's time cost.
  2. After the first player finished, would countdown for 30 seconds.
  3. If time out, higher ranking if with higher line clear amount.
  4. ???[注 4]

FFA mode. The ranking condition is shown below:

  • Survived time.
  • If time out, higher rank if having higher K.Os.
  • If still tied, higher rank if having higher attacks.
  • If still tied, higher rank if having fewer pieces.[citation needed]
  • ???[注 4]



There are several achievements in Tetris Journey, and the player could claim some or the reward after completing them(Gold Coin, Tetris Coin, Badge...... etc).


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 means that if a line contains them, they will keep on the board after the line is cleared.
  2. mini T-spins could keep the B2B, but none of the bonus would gain.
  3. Simmilar to Jstris, only the combo bonus could stack on it.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 The winning conditions is unknown if it still tied. It may cause a draw.
