This is a small guide for completing the first 20 Stages of Sakura mode in TGM3 and Heboris Tomoyo-Ti. It follows NIK's WR route[1].
EX stages are yet to be included since it takes a lot of time to count each piece needed and where and in which order to place them.
This route requires the use of ARS (Classic Rule). For Heboris it is recommended to use TI-ARS (or ACE-ARS2 if you need more time to place pieces as ARS2 uses move reset) as the T piece kick used at stage 12 WILL NOT work with SRS (World Rule). In addition, Sonic Drop will speed up piece placements and eliminates the risk of pieces instantly locking while using soft drop.
In order to achieve the next pieces as shown at the top of each stage, press Hold until you see those next pieces combination.
Also, stages with Mirror arent accounted for in this guide, thus some pieces will look mirrored. The colored patterns will look like garbage blocks in order to easily differentiate between placed pieces and the starting pattern.
Stage 1
Next pieces: (Hold J) LOT
Stage 2
Next pieces: (Hold J) SLO
Stage 3
Next pieces: (Hold T) IOJ
Stage 4
Next pieces: (Hold T) ISO
Stage 5
Next pieces: (Hold I) STO
Stage 6
Next pieces: LIZ
Stage 7
Next pieces: (Hold Z) LTJ
Stage 8
Next pieces: (Hold Z) STJ
Stage 9
Next pieces: (Hold L) JIT
Stage 10
Next pieces: (Hold J) OIT
Stage 11
Next pieces: JTS
Stage 12
Next pieces: TIO
Stage 13
Next pieces: (Hold T) ZSO
Stage 14
Next pieces: (Hold S) OJT
Stage 15
Next pieces: OJL
Stage 16
Next pieces: (Hold I) ZTJ
Stage 17
Next pieces: (Hold S) TJI
Stage 18
Next pieces: (Hold I) JTZ
Stage 19
Next pieces: (Hold T) OLJ
Stage 20
Next pieces: (Hold I) LZJ