Sometimes, a player needs to break back-to-back and skim lines down with intuitive methods. This is especially necessary in multiplayer to clear garbage efficiently. Make use of the different properties of the seven tetrominoes. Don't always clear lines in the most obvious manner because it might not be the optimal method. Think outside of the box.
For this diagram situation, a Z is the obvious fit to clear a double but there are better choices.
On the other hand, if ZST are in the preview, Z might be a good choice, allowing for a T-spin single that restores back-to-back:
Either an O
or a Z
gets the field to this state
to make a T-spin single
In this diagram situation, an O would fit snugly but it's not optimal and forces you to clear two singles.
If you don't see a T coming and desperately need to flatten the field in this situation, try these methods.
These variations don't open up the column but do make room for a T-Spin.