
From TetrisWiki
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Tetris.wiki is a wiki focused on creating Tetris related content. It was started by Myndzi in 2015. Over the years, thousands of contributions have been made documenting official and fan games in the series, uncovering game mechanics, and creating guides to improve playing.


Pages Edits Users MW version
4,930 24,916 439 1.42.3


2006 – 2008

The wiki was originally started in 2006 on the website and forum tetrisconcept.com, at the suggestion of user colour_thief.

2009 – 2012

Tetrisconcept.com's wiki and forum were closed in 2009, and the wiki was transferred over to Fandom (formerly known as Wikia). Fandom is a large ad-supported wikifarm. The new url was tetrisconcept.wikia.com, and was soon redirected to tetris.wikia.com. It now lives at tetris.fandom.com. Later in 2013 an attempt was made to undo this move, but Fandom declined saying that they wanted to keep it running.

In an attempt to archive tetrisconcept.com's content, some users created tetrisconcept.net which was based on scraped forum posts and a dump of the old wiki, thus creating a new fork.

Shortly after, a user named Blink created a new Tetris community called Hard Drop. Hard Drop also created it's own wiki, making it the second fork.

2013 – 2014

In 2013, Myndzi launched a new wiki at tetriswiki.com based on an older fork of tetrisconcept's wiki. Some community members wanted to create a wiki not affiliated with tetrisconcept.net or Hard Drop. A variety of problems were raised to promote the movement such as, the intrusive ads on tetris.wikia.com. On Hard Drop, a thread was started where members from different groups discussed the possibility of merging together three of the wikis. Blink declined stating that he did not see any strong benefits that would make it worth it. [1]

2015 – present

In 2015 tetrisconcept.net's wiki was exported and shutdown to create Tetris.wiki. Along with Tetris.wiki, the other two wikis, Hard Drop Tetris Wiki, and Tetris Wiki Fandom, remain today.
