Tetris Stardust

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Tetris Stardust

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Tetris Stardust is an online free-to-play Tetris game released in Japan by Tetris Online Japan, Inc.

Tetris Stardust
Tetris Stardust icon.jpeg
Tetris Stardust icon
Publisher(s)Tetris Online Japan, Inc.
Platform(s)Web (Silverlight)
Releasec. December 2009
Gameplay info
Next pieces5
Playfield size10 × 20
Hold pieceYes
Hard dropYes
Rotation systemSRS
Tetris Stardust ingame.png

Rotation System

The rotation system in Tetris Stardust is SRS with some modifications to allow wall kicks with the O tetromino. Normally, the O tetromino does not move when rotated, but if one of the following checks succeeds, the game will bypass basic rotation and perform a wall kick.

  • If rotating left, the space directly underneath the lower-right block must be occupied
  • If rotating right, the space directly underneath the lower-left block must be occupied

O Tetromino Wall Kick Data
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
CW ( 1, 0) ( 1,-1) ( 1,-2) ( 2,-1)
CCW (-1, 0) (-1,-1) (-1,-2) (-2,-1)


Scoring is based on Guideline scoring but with most of the point values doubled. Additional values are defined for certain spins performed with non-T tetrominoes and the unique "Spin Rank" mechanic.

Action Points
Single 200
Double 600
Triple 1000
Tetris 1600
T-Spin 800
Spin (Non-T) 200
Spin Single 1600
Spin Double 2400
Spin Triple 3200
T-Spin Mini 8001
T-Spin Mini Single 200
Spin Mini Single (Non-T) 400
Spin Mini Double2 1200
Combo 100 × combo count
Soft Drop 1 × cells
Hard Drop 2 × cells
Perfect Clear 200
Back-to-Back Action Score × 1.5
Spin Rank C 200
Spin Rank B 400
Spin Rank A 800
Spin Rank A+ 1000
Spin Rank S 1600
Spin Rank S+ 1800

1 T-Spin Mini awards more points than a T-Spin Mini Single. This may be due to a programming oversight.
2 Displayed in-game as "(Piece)-Spin Mini-W".

External links