Different rotation systems that approximate SRS apply different wall kicks and floor kicks when the player twists the I tetromino.
Guideline SRS
Games such as Tetris Worlds and Tetris DS are based on the Tetris Guideline, including SRS. They have the following behavior:
Rotated left
Soft dropped
Rotated right
But the wall kicks are not symmetric, as the kick up is performed in preference to the kick down when rotating left:
Rotated right
Soft dropped
Rotated left
However, an extra block impedes the choice of the upward kick position:
Rotated right
Soft dropped
Rotated left
The following can be performed instead:
Rotated left
Moved right
Soft dropped
Rotated left
Tetris Advance
Minna no Soft Series: Tetris Advance, while implementing SRS, included several bugs including the lack of some wall kicks.
Rotated left
Soft dropped
Can't rotate right
In Lockjaw, both left and right prefer to kick down rather than up when rotating:
Rotated right
Soft dropped
Rotated left