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@Tepples, 工控机 茅台酒 二锅头 防伪标签 热转印机 水晶像 奖杯 干洗 数码快印 硒鼓加粉 塑料颗粒机 防伪 防伪技术 高新技术企业认定 北京洗衣公司 服务器机柜 空气净化工程 国际速递 国际快递公司 国际快递 梯具 节能节电 冬令营 石材翻新 电器维修 北京公司注册 制冰机 电脑回收 代开发票 不干胶 机打发票 电缆桥架 电缆桥架 北京货架 航空货运 会议服务 小升初 梅兰日兰UPS 口语 Dell服务器 再生塑料颗粒机 灯光音响 二手电脑回收 热水器维修 环氧地坪 IBM服务器 工商注册 IBM服务器 北京航空货运 北京写字楼 动画制作

"It's not MIDI; it's tracked. It just "sounds like midi" because laypeople associate MIDI with Windows 3.1's implementation of MIDI file playback through the AdLib chipset.)"

Hate to disagree with ya, but the music in Tetripz is *NOT* Tracker format. Although not true MIDI either, it's closer to MIDI format than any version (or offshoot) of Tracker.

The music in the game uses a Sound Blaster's Yamaha OPL2/3 chip, which is basically standard Adlib synthesis (along the lines of Creative Labs' "CMF" music format, which is playable on any sound card that contains an on-board Yamaha OPL2/3 synth chip), and is a version of MIDI format in itself.

- Rich Nagel

Think of it like the music in some of the old(er) DOS games such as Jill of the Jungle, Brix, Wolfenstein 3D, and any DOS game such as DOOM (when configured for standard Adlib or Sound Blaster (OPL2/3) music drivers).

None of these games use true MIDI format for their music, but they are definately variants of MIDI format (i.e. all of the afore-mentioned games have utilities that have been released throughout the years to convert from their native music format to (in verbatim) MIDI files).

- Rich Nagel